Two for one!


Monday, March 14th 2005: 9:39PM

Oh my goodness. I just ate so much White Castle (pics to come!!). It wouldn’t be so bad, except I just kekkled (genmayism. See: laughed) off half the calories watching Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. I really don’t think I’ve laughed so much at a movie… for quite some time. It was an awesome conclusion to a great day.

And… that’s about it. It really seemed like I had so much more to say. I just had to get it out, I guess. Ke ke ke!

Edit: Oh! Before I forget: we watched Cool Hand Luke this afternoon, which I found to be well deserving of its “classic” status. Paul Newman is great!

Edit 2: AAH! Darn you Ken! My life sucks now! I can already see it: I’m going to wake up in two weeks time and be craving White Castle, and I’m going to be forced FOURTEEN hours for the drive to Minneapolis to satiate my craving. That’s such a long time!


Monday, March 14th 2005: 9:39PM

Oh my goodness. I just ate so much White Castle (pics to come!!). It wouldn’t be so bad, except I just kekkled (genmayism. See: laughed) off half the calories watching Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. I really don’t think I’ve laughed so much at a movie… for quite some time. It was an awesome conclusion to a great day.

And… that’s about it. It really seemed like I had so much more to say. I just had to get it out, I guess. Ke ke ke!

Edit: Oh! Before I forget: we watched Cool Hand Luke this afternoon, which I found to be well deserving of its “classic” status. Paul Newman is great!

Edit 2: AAH! Darn you Ken! My life sucks now! I can already see it: I’m going to wake up in two weeks time and be craving White Castle, and I’m going to be forced FOURTEEN hours for the drive to Minneapolis to satiate my craving. That’s such a long time!

Day…? March 16th, 2005: 9:54AM

So here I am, sitting in the lobby of our Econo Lodge. Why? Well, refer to the previous post about internet addiction. Quite simply, the signal is better out here than in our room. Ug.

So I was a wee bit concerned this morning when I pulled plug-thing to route the water to the showerhead and it sounded like a jet-engine winding up (you know: the weeEEEEE whine) followed by a small boom (AAAAAAAH! my wi-fi just dropped. So much for a better signal!) when the water came shooting out at, oh, say, 100mph, from the showerhead. Fortunately, the shower was much more comfortable than I expected, despite inauspicious beginnings. Yeah.

So we’re in Madison right now. Bonus points for those who know, off the top of their head, can fill in the blank: Madison is the capitol of this state: _______________.

I hate how Windows XP w/ SP2 handles wireless networks. It’s even more retarded than the Windows XP w/ SP1 handling of wireless networks. The bane of my existence. Sheesh.

I watched the better portion of Bush’s presidential address this morning while eating breakfast. I’m concerned. ALL his answers were so thoroughly ambiguous and evasive… I have a sneaking suspicion that when I come back to the States next spring, some things are going to be very different, although probably not for the better. When asked about the rising prices of gasoline, all Bush could respond was that congress has not yet produced a bill that would significantly increase the use of alternative sources of energy. Right-o.

And that’s about it. Ken and I are having a jolly good time, as it were, and I’m contemplating about dragging us to the Spam Museum today on our way back to the cities. Tonight we’re headed to dinner at P.F. Chang’s (yes, I know you’re jealous) and then to some sort of Celtic concert. Sweet!

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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3 Responses to Two for one!

  1. Sagar1586 says:

    Madison: Capital of Wisconsin. Also home to UW number two (University of Wisconsin at Madison). Also happens to be where a number of my friends here are from. What a coinkinkydink.

  2. markegge says:

    There are so many damned UWs! When I say UW in Bozeman, most people think I’m talking about the University of Washington. Sheesh.

  3. brianegge says:

    I have to agree with you on Cool Hand Luke.

    However, I’m no fan of White Castle. We have one in every poor neighborhood within 100 miles of NYC.

    I do want to see the movie though.