Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fayetteville: An Inspiring Sister City?

Bozeman could learn a lot from Fayetteville, Arkansas. Fayetteville is a university town in the Ozarks that’s become an amenity destination for many of the same reasons as Bozeman (vibrant city, recreational opportunities, strong economy). In its recent rankings, People For Bikes identified Fayetteville … Continue reading

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Bozeman’s Draft Development Code is Less Scary Than It Seems

Bozeman’s new draft development code uses a form-based approach to residential zoning. According to the Form-Based Codes Institute, A form-based code is a land development regulation that fosters predictable built results and a high-quality public realm by using physical form (rather than separation of uses) … Continue reading

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Big Housing Wins in the 2023 Montana Legislature

While headlines concerning the 2023 Montana Legislative session were dominated by efforts of the Republican supermajority to dismember Montana’s constitution and strip the rights of women and trans Montanans, there was at least one vibrantly bipartisan issue in Helena this … Continue reading

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Yes In My Backyard Act

U.S. Senators Todd Young (R-Ind.) and Brian Schatz (D-Hawai’i) introduced the Yes In My Backyard (YIMBY) Act to shed light on discriminatory land use policies and encourage localities to cut burdensome regulations. Instead of adopting inclusive land use policies that … Continue reading

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Snowmageddon 2019

Just a quick note: February just wrapped up as the snowiest February on record in Bozeman’s history—and it’s still snowing. I want this ALWAYS to be my life. If I had a nickel for every car I’ve helped push out … Continue reading

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A Brief History of Bozeman

I’ve just delightedly found that Bozeman’s 2009 Community Plan (a.k.a. Growth Plan) contains a brief (10-page) and delightful history of Bozeman, from the first peoples here some 10,000 years ago on up through the present. If you’re curious who arrived … Continue reading

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Recreation Impacts of Logging Limestone West

Context: The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) is currently proposing to log state trust lands at the urban-wildland interface on the south side of Bozeman. The project will clearcut 500 – 1000 acres of trees, and result in … Continue reading

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Heat is for Haters

Congratulations! You’ve taken the eco-conscious choice of removing all sources of heating from your house! You’ll really enjoy those lower energy bills (if only you can survive until summer), and will sleep well at night in your zero-degree sleeping bag, … Continue reading

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2017 Year in Review

For liberals and progressives, 2017 showed itself to be an unmitigated shit of a year. The political attacks on public lands, climate change, rational order, and human decency were relentless and heartbreakingly effective. While a shit year for the world, … Continue reading

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2016 Year in Review

In rough sequential order, a run-down of my 2016: In January and February I burst my ski ego. Racing for CMU’s ski team humbled me, being both out-skied and out-drank by a group of fun-loving undergrads. East Coast ice is … Continue reading

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