Spring Break!

Day 1: March 13, 2005 8:27AM

Some things change, and some things remain the same. Among the things that remain the same is my cavalier “the hell with directions, we’ll find it well enough” mindset. Unfortunately, another of those things that seems to never change is my inability to “find it well enough” without directions. Hmm. Welcome to day two of our adventure!

So, instead of waking up in a cold tent in Badlands National Park, I woke up in a warm hotel in Murdo (yeah–we know where Murdo is, too… or not), South Dakota, took a nice warm shower, dressed, plugged in the laptop and started typing this. In a little while Ken and I will go downstairs and enjoy the complimentary continental breakfast. I guess things work out for the best sometimes. =)

Wanting to avoid an experience like I had on my last road trip, I chose a “Days Inn,” and I’m pleased to say that, not only was I able to sleep in the bed without fear of lice, it’s not 8:35AM and as of yet no creepy men in trench coats have stopped by looking for their dealer. … Very nice!

Anyhow. After getting some grub, we’ll drive across the street and try to pirate some Wireless Internet, and then press on towards Minneapolis; we’re about six hours out. Here’s a brief rundown of the itinerary:

Sunday: Arrive in Minneapolis. Dinner with Ken’s dad (he’s making spaghetti–whoo! Home cooking!).
Monday: Possible lunch with Drew Collins (see: worship leader from Cheyenne–ar! I wish I had the stupid search function working) and then, since we’re in Minnesota, we’re going to go get some White Castle (sp?) and watch Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle.
Tuesday: Get up and drive to Chicago. Walk memory lane, see the waterfront, etc. Stay in Chicago that night.
Wednesday: Return to Minneapolis. Dinner with Ken’s mom at P.F. Chang’s!
Thursday (St. Patrick’s Day): Drive north to Duluth. Enjoy some of the St. Patty’s day festivities. Return to the cities that night.
Friday: Get up and drive like mad men back to Montana.
Saturday: Hang out with William in Miles City.
Sunday: Return home.

There you have it. At least that’s the plan, so far: god only knows what’ll actually happen. In the meantime, Ken’s out of the shower which means its time for breakfast! Happy Spring Break!

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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0 Responses to Spring Break!

  1. Sagar1586 says:

    Weak sauce man… White Castle in Minnesota? Come on… Yesterday at approximately 10:30 PM I drove by Princeton, considered looking for some asian parties, and then drove by THE White Castle. That Harold and Kumar go to. Bwa ha ha.

  2. markegge says:

    what ev. you went to CHEYENNE for YOUR spring break. By comparision, white castle in minneapolis is about, oh, say 1,000,000 times as cool. =P