This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time.

This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time. … Why are you reading this??! Go. Live! Love! Jump in a stream! SOMETHING!!!

Heh. So it’s late, and I’m getting … strange? Well, I don’t typically get “strange” due to sleep deprevation. It must be due to some other form of deprevation. Like interpersonal contact and connection. Or something. God only knows.

I watched THX 1138 (3/5 stars)(George Lucas’s directorial debut) tonight. On balance, it was just plain strange. The special effects were nothing short of incredible for its time, but the story and characters, well, just didn’t come accross as well developed.

So it’s Monday morning right now. What have I done since I woke, some 16 hours ago? Not a lot. I had lunch with William, Autumn & Co., killed time around the Quad, and then killed some more time around the quad. I also watched Traffic tonight, which I very much enjoyed. I probably would have enjoyed it even more if there had been subtitles for the Spanish portions of the movie. Oh well. You get what you pay for, I suppose, and, well, I downloaded Traffic. So there you go!

Right now I’m in the middle of the process of ripping Ken’s CDs. He has like 85, and they’re all in good condition, which makes for high quality rips. I need more hard drive space!

I have nothing to say. I’m off to go read some Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Goodnight.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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4 Responses to This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time.

  1. carter says:

    You sounded like Pahliniuk when you started this post. But that’s probably not a bad thing.

    Second of all, Traffic’s subtitles for the Spanish only sort of worked on my DVD player. I’d play the movie and it would put up subtitles when the Spanish parts started but it wouldn’t take them off afterwards. I don’t know.

    Last of all, there must be MP3 sharing over break. I’ll bring my hard drive home.

  2. markegge says:

    Funny… I was quoting Fight Club, so it’s no surprise that I should sound like Palahniuk. =)

    I’m bringing everything home over break; there will be plenty of MP3 sharing, or at the very least I’ll be happy to GIVE my mp3s to everyone. I have about 11gb free accross all 400gb (280gb useable) of storage. I really really need to get an external 250gb Western Digital, but, well, I’m poor. And I was outbid for my printer last night. Damn the man!

  3. Sagar1586 says:

    DAMNIT! YOU LOST THE PRINTER?! Grr… also, i’ll bring a harddrive home with tons of music as well, but i’ll need a computer to put it in… mark?

  4. markegge says:

    I’m bring everything home, so I’ll certainly have a computer to put a hard drive in.