Such is Life

I just spent the last two hours with Jack Horner (see: Jurassic Park, T-Rex soft tissue, etc.).

He’s a Texts & Critics fellow (William is one of his students), and tonight he gave a presentation to the T&C classes as a group, the essence of which was explaining why 6th cent. B.C. Greek artists were able to create more accurate renditions of a “dinosaur” than our scientists until 1964. It was pretty entertaining.

In other news, Little Ben announced tonight that he has proof that he coined the phrase “such is life.” Right-o.


Words of the Wise (concerning Easy-Mac)

Useful tip #1: 2/3rds of a cup of water is almost exactly equal to 3.5 shots of water (which is the exact amount of water needed for one packet of Easy-Mac).

Useful tip #2: When making Easy-Mac, it is far better to have too much water than too little. When you have too much water, not only do you have the option of microwaving it some more to get rid of the water, but you also avoid all the adverse effects of over-cooked Easy-Mac. Although having Easy-Mac soup isn’t the most desirable of situations, at the very least all the cheese mix dissolves and you avoid the grainy texture that overcooked Easy-Mac seems to have, and, although I seem to find myself chasing after those last few precious noodles much in the last-three-Cheerios-in-a-bowl-full-of-milk manner, that’s far better than having large clumps of noodles.

Additionally, the soupy texture makes it seem like you have more, simply because its more effort to eat. You stick your fork in, and by the time you get it to your mouth you’ve lost half the noodles. And more Easy-Mac, obviously, is a perk!

Lastly, if you put in too much water, you can make delightful discoveries and post about them on your blog.

In a totally unrelated event, I was informed today that I have been confirmed by the National ISEP board and Thammasat University, which means that I am officially headed to Bangkok next year!


No Title

and that’s just it– you reach the point where you have nothing left to give. your eyes are pink and your heart is hollow, and the rain pours down inside and out… and that’s when the piano holds me. the rain fades away, and i’m caught up in the arms of oscillating melodies and an expression more full than words could ever give out. i’m not a poet. i’m not an artist. not even a musician. but here i am. empty. hear my song. understand.

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Suspicions Confirmed

Ya win some and ya lose some. Right now, I seem to be on the losing end of things. Daylight Savings time… yeah. How ’bout that. I guess there was a reason why, as I set my alarm last night, I thought to myself “oh, it’s only 4:00AM. That means I can still get five hours of sleep. How did that happen?” Needless to say, my elation at getting up at 9:15AM this morning– plenty of time to make it to class (at least so I thought in at the time– as soon as I looked at the mirror any notions of going to class were dispelled), or so I thought. Yeah. Pretty much.

And then I looked in the mirror and found that my suspicions had been correct– for the second time in a month and a half, I have pink-eye. So I called my supervisor, got work off, and then went to the doctor.

But, ya win some too. For example, instead of going to work, I get to hang out around the quad, drink coffee, and read an endlessly frustrating book.

Oh, and I remembered that I’m going to Duluth for my Grandma’s birthday this weekend, which means that I won’t be participating in the 80’s dance party. Right-o.

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Just my night

Oh, and I think I have pink-eye again. I can’t be sure, but my eyes are very very… pink. Especially the left one. Odd– that’s the eye it started in last time, too. Ug.

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Good heavens, this book is making me upset. It’s so damned presumptuous and arrogant. Daniel Quinn (could that be a pseudo name for Dan Brown, I wonder?) has laid no groundwork or foundation for his audacious claims (that the journey of the book is going to completely change the way that I look at life around me? That he’ll enlighten me to the stories being whispered in my ear by mother culture? And he’ll do so by his heavy-handed and clumsy metaphor, examples from the least understood and most overused event in human history, and he’ll do it all by emulating Plato’s style in hopes that we’ll regard him as a wise teacher?!) and, although I’m sure he’s going to try back track a little and explain himself, he’s fighting up hill. This is not well written, nor is it in any way demonstrative of any sort of higher insight, intellect, wisdom or understanding. Impress me with your acumen and vision, Mr. Brown, then I’ll revere you. But merely boldly demand my reverence, and I’ll decry you will every shred of my reach and will.

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I’ve been increasingly breaking more and more pieces of my blog. Rather than fixing it, I decided that I would say the heck with it and move on to the new version of the source code. So things are ugly. Eventually there will be a new design. Until then, expect things to be functional but ugly. Hey– at least my RSS validates. …

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Spaghetti and Blankets

This afternoon was such a waste. I went to work with Ishmael intending to read for four hours, and ended up reading blogs for… four hours. Well, almost: I also pushed in a bunch of chairs and changed three clocks. Whoo!

Anyhow. As a result of my afternoon, my RSS feed validates, and and now have RSS support as well:

Right. The weekend in review:

Dance party

Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events

Lemony Snicket story time

Running outside

Sore legs




Sin City

The irony of this afternoon was that I spent a portion of it explaining to Meekyung via AIM that I dislike AIM and I dislike computers because I always squander countless hours of time doing mindless blather on my computer– passing the time– when I have other things that I want and need to do. Like read my copy of Ishmael that I was supposed to read this afternoon…

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Stop Culture

My Texts & Critics project is finally complete. The goal was to draw my viewer into my world as an eightteen-year-old-Montana-State-freshman. It was drawn from over 700 still photos taken over the last few weeks (as well as a number of older photos as well). I recorded most of the sounds used (not the music, but the sound effects) myself, and them edited everything together with after effects. I’ve uploaded a DivX copy here:

You’ll need the DivX codec to view this, which can be downloaded here.


Terri Shiavo’s Blog

William pointed me to one of the funniest things that I’ve seen in a long time:

I’m still laughing.