Words of the Wise (concerning Easy-Mac)

Useful tip #1: 2/3rds of a cup of water is almost exactly equal to 3.5 shots of water (which is the exact amount of water needed for one packet of Easy-Mac).

Useful tip #2: When making Easy-Mac, it is far better to have too much water than too little. When you have too much water, not only do you have the option of microwaving it some more to get rid of the water, but you also avoid all the adverse effects of over-cooked Easy-Mac. Although having Easy-Mac soup isn’t the most desirable of situations, at the very least all the cheese mix dissolves and you avoid the grainy texture that overcooked Easy-Mac seems to have, and, although I seem to find myself chasing after those last few precious noodles much in the last-three-Cheerios-in-a-bowl-full-of-milk manner, that’s far better than having large clumps of noodles.

Additionally, the soupy texture makes it seem like you have more, simply because its more effort to eat. You stick your fork in, and by the time you get it to your mouth you’ve lost half the noodles. And more Easy-Mac, obviously, is a perk!

Lastly, if you put in too much water, you can make delightful discoveries and post about them on your blog.

In a totally unrelated event, I was informed today that I have been confirmed by the National ISEP board and Thammasat University, which means that I am officially headed to Bangkok next year!

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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4 Responses to Words of the Wise (concerning Easy-Mac)

  1. brianegge says:

    Congrats on your confirmation to Bangkok!

  2. Upidivl says:

    Yeah, Mark, big congrats.

  3. Sagar1586 says:

    YAY! You’re leaving us!


    i’m such a supportive friend…

    Congrats Mark! 🙂

  4. carter says:

    Congrats mark.