Never Enough

I have thoughts. Honest. I do. Honest. Thoughts.

But nothing to post here. There’s nothing appropriate to share here. This is the public facing self. And so this blog has to wear a tie. There’s no casual Fridays on the internet. Not anymore, there’s not.

I could write about climbing some real rock (for the first time in three years) in Saturday, or about hockey games, or about why there was a 8″ chef’s knife on the coffee table Friday morning. But–let’s be honest. I don’t care to write about it. And I expect you don’t care to read about it.

So. Scottsdale’s warm. And sunny. My core hurts. The refrigerator is stocked (with food, among other things). And, I’m still waiting for this shoegaze thing to blow over. In the mean time, Deerhunter is keeping me awake–fueling my keystrokes. No Fuel–but fuel enough.

Raft trip in three weeks. To be honest, I’m still not sure where we’re putting in. Or where we’re taking out. Or where my phone is. Word.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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One Response to Never Enough

  1. Hope says:

    DUDE! Get on it – plan the logistics! Also, what’s the word on menu planning?

    I’m SOO excited!