
Observe this Robbin:

Robbin in snowy tree

He’s confused. Really confused. It’s April 15th. Three days ago, it was 65 degrees. I rode my motorbike. Wearing flip-flops.

Three days ago, this would have been fine! The lifts were still open, and snow was always still welcome.

But no. Three days ago, it was warm and sunny. The snow was nice and puffy, like cream cheese. Must say–it was the first time I’d seen someone (and not just one!) skiing in a bikini top. The picture, in my mind’s eye, still seems slightly incongrous.

But that was Monday. Now, it’s Wednesday.

To snow like this the day after the lifts close … it’s damned snarky of Mother Nature, I’ll tell you what!

Lots of snow

Bovard’s friend Matt, who works at a hospital, had this to say:

You know what the productive difference is between when the lifts are open, and when they’re not? When the lifts are open, people do productive things in the snow, like go ski. When the lifts are closed, people just do stupid things. Like try to see how fast they can drive their car through the snow.

Matt works at the hospital. …

I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts, though–in other news, I’ve been lucky enough to be offered an internship with my brother-in-law’s clinic (Arizona Pain Specialists). Which I’m quite excited about–I’ll be helping with, among other things, their new Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. But it’s also in Scottsdale (see: Phoenix), AZ. Which should be wonderful–but I should enjoy the cold while it lasts.

Friedrich Nietzsche once said,

“The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.”

I like it.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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