It’s like 2, outside.

In high school, we used to facetiously talk about the weather, any time it was a little cold and we didn’t feel like going outside, by saying “No way, man. I’m not going out. It’s like … two, outside.” Usually, this meant that it was about 45° F and windy. Or that we simply preferred the creature comforts of our gas-fired, forced-air heated houses.

It’s a beautiful and sunny morning, in Bozeman. Sitting in my room, the sun sparkles brilliently off a thousand white surfaces, covered yesterday in another three inches of fresh snow.

Yesterday was cold. Really cold. And today? Well … it’s two. No “like” about it. It’s two degrees Fahrenheit, with a two-day expected high of 20° F.

But, I don’t mind. I’ll bundle up a little more, this morning, and set my shoulder against the cold. I think I’ll walk to school, rather than ride my bike.

This is the beginning of a beautiful day.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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