Shades of Anarchy

Hrm. So, I’m thinking that I should run a marathon at the end of the summer. I mean, why not? It would be a great reason to get out and run around Bozeman … get in better shape … see some sun, etc. Only trouble is, I’m having a hard time figuring out what I want to register for … (that’s the hard part. The running will be easy, I’m sure!*)

(* – uh, yeah. That’s a joke, actually.)

So. I’m running the “Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor” on Kimbree’s computer … because Vista is just so awesome that it won’t install on her computer. Or, maybe it will install, but requires someone smarter than me. But, I mean, there aren’t many options. And I’ve tried just about every single one. And yes, I’ve stripped the motherboard. Disabled every onboard device. And … for some reason, it just fails, about halfway through it’s process, and reverts back to Windows XP. I try to automatically download updated setup files, but it tells me “windows setup was unable to download update files at this time”, which bodes well for the success of this attempted installation. So far, my level of “impressed” with Vista is about … zero.

Leopard, on the other hand … now THAT’S exciting. Or, not… not so exciting for those of us that don’t own Macs, I suppose. A new desktop! That I won’t be able to use! A new Finder! More powerful, easier to use! Doesn’t run on Dell! Spaces! Not on Windows! Core Animation! PC’s don’t skip or play, why would they need animation?

Hrm. Maybe if my “finding stuff on the street and then selling it” gig pays off (more about that later…), I can buy a Mac some day. Just a Mac Mini would be fine…

Well, I suppose it’s time to go mow the lawn. I’m going to set a precedent of responsibility, in terms of mowing the lawn on time (rather than just ignoring it until it’s so tall and jungle-like that someone else in the house just does it for me … like the last guy in charge of the lawn…), that hopefully will be followed by future lawn-mowers of the H.Q. (a.k.a. seven-sixteen, a.k.a. home, and also sometimes mistakenly referred to as (s.m.r.t.a.) ‘the quad’).

It’s a beautiful day in Bozeman.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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2 Responses to Shades of Anarchy

  1. jaderobbins says:

    after playing with Frontrow i think i want a mac mini for one of my tv’s as well.

  2. fishytwo says:

    H.Q. ….. hindquarters? =P

    yay for lawn mowing!