To do list

Recommended reading:

In short: don’t believe hopeful, happy images coming from Pakistan. The country is suffering greatly, and any and all attempts at aid are falling pathetically short, especially with regards to the government’s involvement. The country needs your support, your donation dollars, your spare blankets and your light-weight tents.

Recommended viewing: Proof

I’ll not bother trying to write a better review than the one offered by FilmThreat. I’ll simply voice my wholehearted agreement.

Recommended drinks NOT to try: Pepsi Fire

I have, sitting in front of me, a bottle of Pepsi Fire. When younger, I always used to wonder why there wasn’t a “spicy” drink– I thought the concept could be quite interesting. Well, this “soda” pretty well answers that question. It tastes like a liquid Fireball. I’ve had all of one sip… and that’s all it takes.

God, I miss Mountain Dew.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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