Pliny 1.0

This post marks the update of my blog to Pliny 1.0. Unfortunately, due to a fix to my session-handler, you will need to log in again.

New Features
-Correct session handling
-The ability to edit and delete your posts for seven days.
-PHP 4.3.3 compatability (lots of nasty code is now … less nasty)
-Proper I.E. rendering
-Updated footer

And that’s about it.

This morning was spent at the Chatuchak Weekend market. It’s 1,500 booth market that opens up on the weekends, serving nearly 200,000 people daily. Unfortunately, I only managed to explore a small portion of it before I had spent all the money I had brought with me, so I had to turn home early (or, perhaps, I should have kept exploring, since I was out of money… hmm).

This afternoon has been wasted on getting a few bugs worked out of Pliny before its launch. You’ll notice that things are still a little behind– the photos at the top are from Cheyenne, not Montana. Hopefully I’ll actually manage to get a photo from Thailand up there sooner or later, but right now, enjoy the view that I enjoyed from my window this summer.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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