
As you might surmise by the recent lack of posts, I went to Chiang Mai for the weekend. I had a fabulous time, and shot entirely too many photos, but time does not allow me greater detail at the moment.

This was taken, before slighy modification, at Wat Phrathat Doe Suthep Rajoravihara outside Chiang Mai:

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About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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0 Responses to (untitled)

  1. JustJames says:

    About those lack of posts, we thought you got aids and died.

  2. jaderobbins says:

    The HIV?!?!?! Oh noes!!

  3. ken-mister says:

    Digging the tree there… what kind is it?