All Because of You

I suddenly remembered why I was a film buff. It’s not because I have some great love of film, nor because of film’s capacity to move and inspire, nor because of film’s ability to to take the viewer to far off places and vicariously live a whole range of human experiences, nor because I want to work with film, and not for a hundred other reasons. Simply put, I was a film buff because Cheyenne sucks.

And now, I’m starting into my third movie in two days. That’s as many, in two days, as I watched in the last two months in Bozeman combined.

Good heavens.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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5 Responses to All Because of You

  1. markegge says:

    I might add that, on balance, I’m in better spirits today. Despite the lousy weather, I was able to spend some time on my slack line, and take Chester for a walk. I also was able to see a few of my favorite Cheyenneites today, and ate some delicious strawberries this evening.

  2. ken-mister says:

    Nice, you should of hung out more with me, I watch movies non stop, even more so since I got home for the same reason… yeah, once I get my liscence I will be able to go some where but for now, its movies… yep, movies… good old movies… I need a life….

  3. Upidivl says:

    I’m in Ireland and you’re not! Sorry, had to. I’ll be posting crap on my blog when I am not so tired and actually feel like writing a novel on my current happenings.

  4. markegge says:

    Congrats, William. Now go to hell. =P

    Not really, though. Have yourself one hell of a time, and post some pictures on your blog one of these days (preferably not of you kissing that cute irish boy, if you know what I mean).

  5. meekyung says:

    dwelling a bit much on that cute irish boy, mark? =) sorry, sometimes i can’t help being obnoxious.