Summer Plans

Just in case you’re interested or somehow don’t know, this is what I have on tap for the summer:

I’ll be moving back to Cheyenne and living w/ the ‘rents. I’ll be doing landscaping for Heartland Home Builders during the day, and I’ll probably wait tables at night (I’m not sure about the latter).

I have two weekend trips planned: one to hike Long’s peak, and one to come up to Montana and hang out for a couple days with William and anyone else who’s willing to see me. =)

I will also be going backpacking in the Wind River Range (outside of Pinedale, WY) for a week with my dad and one of his friends sometime around the first week in August.

At the end of August I’ll pack my bags, hop on a plane, and head to Bangkok. That will be my summer.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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5 Responses to Summer Plans

  1. Sagar1586 says:

    i’ll be sad for that last part

  2. ken-mister says:

    Wise man say, man who go through turnstyle sideways going to bang-cock… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… yeah, well I will be sad for the last part too, but no too sad because you are going to have a great time and we will talk online alot. I will be up that late so need t woory about that… yeah, i think I am done now…

  3. markegge says:

    Ken, that made me laugh, which was somewhat treacherous since I’m brushing my teeth right now… reading my blog… listening to dead prez… yeah. About my teeth.,,

  4. Hopealess says:


    Going for a semester or a year?

  5. markegge says:

    I’m going for the year. I’ll probably return in May, although I’ve considered staying over the summer to do aid work and then moving directly back to Bozeman from Bangkok in the fall.