New York, New York

Ah. Saturday morning, and by 10:24AM I’ve already been productive. My parents are up for the weekend. They came in on Thursday night, and Friday morning we got up and went skiing at Big Sky. The conditions were great, and it was a warm, full and fun day of skiing. Even my pink eye didn’t stop me from enjoying myself.

Oh yeah, did I mention? I woke up Friday morning with a bad case of pink eye (probably contracted from my trip to the elementary school the day before to mentor my brats– we’ll see if I ever do that again =P ). I ignored it for most of the day, but had it checked out when I got back to town. The kind doctor gave me a perscription for some anti-bacterial eye-drops, and I’m gradually getting better. Whoo!

In the mean time, I’m giving my mom the official tour while my dad is off running 12 miles. I’d better get going.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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One Response to New York, New York

  1. hopealess says:

    So, How did the weekend go with your parents besides the sick thing?

    I think you better just learn that I’m going to be a person that reads and posts about 5 days late!