Winter Break Best Moments

1. Wrestling with Chester. He’s developed such a personality and I so very much enjoyed the times I had over break to just play with and enjoy him. He’s scared of a corner of the kitchen, will try to sit on your lap even when there’s no lap to sit on, howls when the piano is played, and is astoundingly quick when I chase him in laps around the stairway. I’m going to miss him this spring.

2. The Wyoming sunset. I never had the opportunity to get out and watch a sunset alone, but one of the sunsets I saw from my house caused me to choke up as only Wyoming sunsets are able.

3. Walking along the nighttime Santa Monica beach as the waves gently came in, lapping over my feet, reminding me of their enormity and beauty…

4. Seeing Copenhagen. The performance was amazing.

5. Driving. Alone. At night. Recklessly. In the daytime. Alone, recklessly at night. Alone, recklessly in the daytime. Going up the 9th St. Canyon…

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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0 Responses to Winter Break Best Moments

  1. nowhere_fast says:

    Well goodbye and stuff Mark. Good luck with school and life 🙂

    I’m sorry you and I couldn’t get along better Sagar ..? I was just joking with Mark down there.

    Thanks again for the Trip. Extremely fun and memorable. Catch you again sometime. Props for the great website. Keep it up. Later.

  2. hopealess says:

    I’m glad that you are enjoying things about life.