Strange dreams.

I dreamed last night, which is in an of itself noteworthy– it’s exceptionally rare for me to dream. Well, more accurately, it was this morning that I dreamed, sometime between 9:00 when I woke up in Ken’s room and wandered back to my bed and 12:00 when I got up. But anyhow… In the first dream I had constructed some sort of cannon that could shoot bullets or small bombs. It rolled around on two wheels, kinda like a golf bag. I know that I had some sort of companion throughout the dream, but his identity was merely the murky quintessence of a friend– not a specific person. In the dream we went from place to place and shot things we didn’t like. I blew up a couple expensive cars and shot down an airplane among other things. Somehow we ended up shooting things in Ann Bertagnolli’s house (she’s my T&C Fellow, whom I’m fond of), except it wasn’t her waking house. Eventually we were caught, or rather my friend was caught and I found myself running…

The second dream was every bit as nonsensical. I was in a grocery store with three identityless friends. I don’t know why we were there, but I remember that I cut open a watermellon, but when I finished cutting it was a cut two liter bottle of watermellon soft-drink. I went back and got another watermellon and then there was some sort of VERY strange three person (two males one female) Blue-man-group-esque entertainment on the stage and then I went to go pay for my watermellon, and the cashier asked for my I.D. and I didn’t have it and then I woke up.


Anyhow. Last night, rather than Ocean’s Twelve, I ended up going to see The Motorcycle Diaries. I’m really speechless to describe or react to the movie. All I can say is that it’s a wonderful and amazing story– possibly one of the best movies I’ve seen. Period.

I think I may go ride my bike– it’s going to be getting into the mid-50s today.

Well, I’m off. Ta ta!

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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One Response to Strange dreams.

  1. carter says:

    I have a feeling that dreams are often misinterpreted and remembered because we lose so much of them from our memories. I know I dream every night but I almost never remember. Occasionally there will be something interesting that will make me remember a dream. But still many of the details fade away as the day goes on. I also think that its quite possible that dreams aren’t as crazy as we seem to remember them to be. Many times several dreams blend together to make a very odd dream for me. Just some thoughts.

    I must go see Motorcycle Diaries when I can.