
Three hours ago I sat down and told myself that I was just going to upload the photos I took earlier today and then go do my homework. Which brings me to now. 1:05AM. Ug. I finally have my script, which automatically resizes my images, to a semi-functional state, but it still is a long ways from being anything like I want it to be. It’s good enough for tonight, though, since I have ~2 hours of homework yet to do.

Earlier today I took off on my bike and took some photos of the area, trying to capture Bozeman’s fall at its peak. I think the best photo that I came up with is:

You can go to href=”http://www.eateggs.com/photos/msufall to view the whole album.

In other news, I went and saw The Corporation tonight, which I very much enjoyed. (The following is mostly copied from an AIM conversation I had earlier tonight, since I’m entirely too lazy to re-type my thoughts.) It was a ~2 hour documentary of the ascension of Corporate Rule in America and abroad. Overall, it was a great film. It would have been very easy for the film makers to create a two hour rant about the evils and tyrannies of the corporation. In fact, that’s largely what I expected. The film certainly did demonstrate seemingly countless examples of the destructive, greedy and unscrupulous nature of corporations, but that wasn’t the essence or focal point of the movie. The creators rather took a step back form the situation, tracing for the viewer back to the origins and intentions of the corporation. They presented the humanitarian aspects of it as well. And as the film moved toward the finish, it shifted its focus to the finding solutions rather than pointing out the problems. It used a compelling success story of a large carpet manufacturer as a thread to weave the entire piece together. The film finished on an upbeat note, with encouragement to the audience to take the power which they have and do something positive with it. This positive ending was very refreshing. The film as a whole was informative, interested and well presented. I would recommend it.

I’m off to go do homework. Goodnight!

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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