Suspicions Confirmed

Ya win some and ya lose some. Right now, I seem to be on the losing end of things. Daylight Savings time… yeah. How ’bout that. I guess there was a reason why, as I set my alarm last night, I thought to myself “oh, it’s only 4:00AM. That means I can still get five hours of sleep. How did that happen?” Needless to say, my elation at getting up at 9:15AM this morning– plenty of time to make it to class (at least so I thought in at the time– as soon as I looked at the mirror any notions of going to class were dispelled), or so I thought. Yeah. Pretty much.

And then I looked in the mirror and found that my suspicions had been correct– for the second time in a month and a half, I have pink-eye. So I called my supervisor, got work off, and then went to the doctor.

But, ya win some too. For example, instead of going to work, I get to hang out around the quad, drink coffee, and read an endlessly frustrating book.

Oh, and I remembered that I’m going to Duluth for my Grandma’s birthday this weekend, which means that I won’t be participating in the 80’s dance party. Right-o.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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