Until October 31st, the only reasonable and reliable way to get in contact with me will be via my cellphone. The number is: 307-421-1500.
Emails will likely sit in my inbox for two to four weeks before being read, and the likelihood of receiving a reply (when I have 10,000 unread messages) is very, very low.
Snail mail might work–the USPS is pretty reliable, but who knows if I’ll get the mail once it arrives at my house (I’ve already lost one package…). My new address is:
1621 S Rouse Ave
Bozeman, MT 59715-5754
Smoke signals may prove effective until the start of fire season–though, due to a recent bout of pink eye (and its associated affect on my eyesight), any smoke signals sent in the last week went unobserved by me.
Yes, I’m hard to contact sometimes.
Yes, I’m bad about returning phone calls.
Yes, I’m terrible about returning emails.
No, I’ve never sent a letter.
Yes, I’m cognoscente of my short comings as a son, brother, friend, lover, etc. — as least, in so far as communication is concerned.
And, yes, you’re right: I’m not about to change any of that. =)
Good luck.
Hey! I’ll just write here real fast then! I can’t wait to tell you about my adventures abroad…so don’t go dying in the hard to reach wilderness this summer ok!?! OK! Have fun…and get better! Over and out
well, at least you posted your new address and your honest! Especially with your birthday coming up, some people might be trying to get in contact with you!!!! love ya