SNOWING!!! About FREAKING time. It’s only the 11th of November– and we’re already getting our second snow. And by “it’s only”, I mean we should have been buried waist-deep in snow for weeks already. But oh– it’s snowing. No– better! It’s BLIZZARDING! The storm arrived quite suddenly–beautiful day, sunshine, etc–and then CLOUDS and WIND and blowing leaves… and then SNOW FLAKES and wind and more snow flakes … mmm. Coming down in thick torrents. Thick, swirling, angry torrents of piling snow.

(Outside. A few minutes ago.)
Laugh with me: Bovard’s playing the piano … wearing just his towel. In fact, he’s been playing the piano, in just his towel, for about 45 minutes now. He woke up, as I take it, around, 3:00 pm and came upstairs, in his towel, to take a shower. Unfortunately, Ben was already in the bathroom– taking a shower. Then, just as Ben was getting out, Andrew comes home and decides that its time to clean the bathroom (hurray!). Bovard protested:
Andrew: “Ooh! I’m going to clean the bathroom now.”
Bovard: “No. Wait. Let me take a shower first. I’ve been waiting.”
Andrew: “Nope! I’m going to clean it now. If you want the bathroom clean, you’re going to have to wait.”
Bovard: “No! This is ridiculous. I’m wearing a towel. It’ll take me 5 minutes to shower.”
And then Andrew went into the bathroom and poured Comet all over everything.
Now, 45 minutes later, Bovard is still sitting at the piano, in his towel. Meanwhile, Andrew is in the bathroom, scrubbing off Comet, talking jovially to himself.
Ben: “Bovard, why are you sitting out here, wearing only a towel?”
Bovard: “Well, I was going to take a shower, but then Andrew decided to clean the bathroom.”
And it’s SNOWING! Goodbye, green lawn (so recently robbed of your leafy carpeting). Hello, white lawn. Goodbye blue Jeep. Hello, white mound of snow in a Jeep-like shape. Goodbye, last lingering leaves on the trees. The snow will pull you down. It will OWN you. And it will be GLORIOUS.
4:31 pm – Edit:
[Bovard gets up and leaves the room … after finishing ALL of the new, interesting videos on YouTube.]
Ben: “So are you going to give up, finally?”
Bovard: “NO! I’m not giving up. I’m going to take a shower!”
Andrew: “What?!”
Ben: “Oh, I just asked Bovard if he was going to go put some pants on.”
[Bovard makes a sandwich, in the kitchen, in his towel.]
4:35 pm
Ben: “So you’re finally done?”
Andrew: “Yeah. It’s so clean! It’s sparkling! No one use the bathroom!”
Ben: “Sweet. I need to take a crap.”
Bovard: “No!! What the HELL?!”
[Ben proceeds to take over the bathroom.]
And … here’s a photo of Andrew … eating a HUGE plate of spaghetti. He doesn’t have a favorite fork, but he DOES have a favorite spoon: it’s the biggest one on the drawer.