Well, to a lay person, there may not seem like much different between dir *.dll and del *.dll, but if you’re a computer guy, you’ll notice a subtle and, oh, rather important difference. Especially when you run that command in the system32 directory. And you don’t have any operating system disks or fun things like that.
Oh, and it would be one thing if it was MY computer. It’s not. My computer doesn’t feel like turning on these days. It was Shukla’s computer. Who is Shukla, you ask? Oh, just the founder and head of Parikrma. No, she won’t mind. It’s not like the information on her lappy is important, or anything.
But it’s like this: why am I still at the school at midnight? Because of a wonderful piece of spyware called VX2 (at least I think that’s what I’m dealing with). It’s ingenius, really: I can tell you just how it works. I just can’t tell you how to stop it. But it goes something like this:
When installed, it creates various copies of itself to the system32 directory as
Since WinLogon is a critical system process, it runs even in Safe Mode. There’s no way around it.
When you shut down the computer,
The ONLY possible way to beat this, that I can think of, would be to use a program like ERD Commander, which provides CD-based access to both the Windows file system and the Windows registry.
Unfortunately, I’m in India. I certainly don’t have a copy of ERD Commander.
So, I’m at an impasse. Fortunately, there was a backup of all the DLLs I inadvertently deleted with my typo under the system32\\dllcache directory– getting the computer back up and running was just a matter of finding that fortunate trove of DLLs, and then pressing “n, enter, n, enter” about a thousand times while I copied back the DLLs I deleted, and didn’t overwrite the potentially newer DLLS already in system32.
I’ve scoured the net looking for solutions. No luck. So I’m going to go home and sleep. I’m good at that! =)
… I have no idea as to what you just said… but it sounded smart so good job on that…
Ubuntu Linux Live cd FTW. Boot that baby up, mount the NTFS drive and do your dirty work. Freely available even for people in India.
Hey, thanks for the nice comments on my blog. Always nice to know someone appreciates the writing. Are you in Bangalore currently? I’m here for a couple more days before I head south or north again.
My phone is 09818463538 (New Delhi number)
For sure, my number is 01-357-0267.