The lappy is, officially, dead (see: doesn’t turn on). Again. =)
Some dude just rode past the internet cafe on a horse, smoking a cigarette. Which makes me laugh.
And the power is out, yet again. Thankfully, the internet cafe, like any other business that wants to do business in India, has a beefy generator. Although, frankly, I wouldn’t complain if the power for the stereo went out– it’s been playing the same annoying pop-40 tracks for the last two weeks. Ug. I don’t know how the workers here can stand it. I come in for an hour a day, and I’m sick and tired of the cd. They work here for 10 hours a day. Hmm. Maybe they’re on drugs (unlikely, because I don’t think any Indians are on drugs, but hey–).
Heh. I’ve been actually quite concerned about how I’m going to manage transporting home everything I’ve accumulated over here. When I arrived in Bangalore, I had too much stuff. I had so much stuff that I had to strap things on to the outside of my bag. And now? Well, I have even MORE stuff. Mostly books. But if I keep coming up with clever space-saving ideas, I’ll be ‘aight. Like this one, that occurred to me late last night: I’ll unstring my guitar, and fill it with shirts and other soft, small items. Brilliant! And, of course, the guitar itself gets to wear my sweatshirt (which, mind you, was an entirely stupid thing to bring to South-East Asia in the first place)– both as protect, and as one less thing to put in the main bag.
Solid. =)
good idea for the packing though, maybe mailing things is the way to go. Spendy perhaps, but if you want it home, I guess any option is a good one. As for the power problems, we have been having a few ourselves… annoying to say the least. Keep the faith bro!