Today has been completely non-productive, but ultimately rather enjoyable just the same. I remember vaguely thinking something to the effect of “I’d better fall asleep quick, or the sun’ll be up before I’m asleep” around 5:40 this morning… or some time around then. I found myself on the roof of my apartment at 5:00 this morning, a combined effort of too much caffeine, startlingly cool weather, and the undying appeal of my guitar. I can’t describe how pleasant it was: there was a breeze blowing, which was so cool that I almost felt slightly chilled, in my t-shirt and shorts: a wholly welcomed sensation indeed!
(A kid wearing a shirt emblazoned with a large swastika just walked out of the ‘net cafe I’m in. It’s certainly not the first time that I’ve seen that type of shirt around Bangkok… I don’t understand)
I woke up around 11:30, and basically spent my day reading, interspersed with two trips down the street to the nearest restaurant, and one hour-long trip to the park for some quality time on my slackline.
And that’s been pretty much it. Goodness, I’m such a hermit.
didn’t you say somewhere that the swastika was a Buddhist symbol of good luck?
Its actually hindu… And the swastika technically has arms that go in the opposite direction from the traditional religious symbol…
Actually, Hindu, Buddhist, and several other traditions as well. It’s a popular symbol. I guess I should have specified: above, I’m referring to the Nazi swastika, which is set on a 45 degree angle and reverses the directions of the arms; in this case, not a symbol of good luck, but of hate, violence, genocide and racism.