thoughts as they fall

So I saw her today, or more accurately, she saw me. I’d seen her earlier, walking into campus, presumably to some media theatre arts class. It’s entirely unavoidable that I should see her: leaving food service, standing in line in front of me for coffee, sitting across the room, her car parked near my door. Ten minutes later, I walk into Wilson hall and she’s there. Being the oblivious type, it’s doubtful if she’s so much as noticed me since our official “fuck-offs” some weeks ago. Obliviousness didn’t save her today. I open the door and enter, and there she is, standing. Waiting. She sees me, and for the briefest moment there’s a look of surprise and uncertainty. The moment passes, and she regains her composure: a mix between refusal to see me and cold defiance. Myself, I nodded as I always do when I see someone I know but I have no to time stop and talk–amicably: an acknowledgement. I walked down the hall, carrying her in my mind for a few minutes, wondering. Does she hate me? Is she indifferent? How is she dealing with this? How am I dealing with this. And then she was gone. “Hello, Laura.” “Hi there, Mark.” “Bonjour, Monsieur Pinet.” “Bonjour, class.”

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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0 Responses to thoughts as they fall

  1. carter says:

    Mark, you overanalyze everything. But I enjoyed the flow of this post.

  2. Sagar1586 says:

    call me. we haven’t talked for a few nights.

  3. Brandon says:

    i for one think it is good the where able to move on as quickly as you did and didn’t send the reast of the day thinking about the incedent

  4. Brandon says:

    you never update the weather i always want to know how your weather is but i look and its always the same