I just finished watching the recently remastered and released Star Wars episodes IV, V and VI back to back with my roommates. Go us! The LOTR marathon (extended director’s cuts, of course) in January is going to be insanity. 12 hours of LORT. I just hope I have someone to cuddle with. =)
So here’s the deal. I want to go see The Nutcracker performed on the 3rd of December, but I’m not going to go alone. My goal is to get a date for it. Doing so should be a reasonable goal. We’ll see how things go.
Good luck with your date and your cuddle buddy. They both sound completely reasonable to me. But try not to let that absence bring you down.
The cuddle buddy you can live w/o, but at least i’m bein’ honest man… going to the nutcracker alone would blow. get a date. worst case, just take josh man…
Sagar… I’m straight.