It’s 10:57PM and I still need to go to bed for last night. I’m headed that direction now.
Although I promised that I’d upload some content, instead I found myself implementing a function to allow one to remain logged in all the time. It is now finished and in place, and marks the release of Blog! 2.75. To have your log in persist, simply check the “keep me logged in” box on the log in page.
In the interest of entertainment, I thought I’d share “The Cheeseburger Song” with everyone! Click here to listen or right click and choose “save target as” to download. What random lyrics. C’mon. What sort of creep comes up with lyrics like “and if the world suddenly ran out of cheese / he would get down on his hands and kness / and see if someone accidentally dropped some cheese in the dirt / and he would wipe it off for you! / wipe it off for you! / wipe that dirty cheese off for youuuuUUU!! / … / you are .. his … cheese … bur … GER!!!” =)
In the mean time, things are one step closer to the release of
“Blog! 3.0 :: a new interface :: a more powerful backend :: same high quality angst :: guaranteed!”