Yes We Can

I think the stars are shining just a little bit brighter tonight. Perhaps its merely some anomaly of the cosmos. Or, perhaps, it’s the shining of a renewed spirit of hope–hope for America, and hope for a better, brighter future.

Tonight, I pledge myself to a renewed spirit of service–a renewed dedication to making America that great nation that Barack Obama has conjured during his campaign, and that he has pledged to our great nation.

I’m proud, tonight, to be an American. I’m proud, tonight, to live in a free and functioning democracy.

The challenges that face me, and all members of my generation, are looming and large–but not too large to overwhelm the American dream: the ability to triumph over adversity, and the ability to accomplish great and hitherto-unfathomable feats. The ability to rise up and meet challenges, tet-a-tet, and to see change and progress win this land.

This burgeoning spirit of optimism tonight is vindicated by the results of the election, and vindicated by Barack Obama’s challenge to us all. If you missed it, watch it here–goodnight, and, godspeed to the days, challenges, and accomplishments ahead.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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