Super Mario Brothers!

Well, the new semester is officially rip-roaring away.

I realized this on Thursday when I showed up to my History 407 class. I knew that there was a paper due some time … and to see all the neatly typed and printed papers sitting on desks around the room, I realized that Thursday must have been the day.

I mean, that’s how you know the semester has really started: first paper, or first test.

So … I was a little panicked, but I didn’t lose my cool. Uh uh. No sir. Not me. I whipped out my laptop (as if to take notes … as I usually do, using Microsoft OneNote), but this time, I opened Word instead. Then, setting a stunning new record for personal procrastination, I proceeded to pound out a three page paper on the historical accuracy (and lack thereof) of Mel Gibson’s Apocolypto. It’s probably the worst paper I’ve written in my college career … but I have a sneaking suspicion that it’ll fetch an easy “B”.

So yeah. The semester is under way. I’m taking … how many classes? Um … Econ 300-02*, 313, 401, 406 and 500-01* (* – one credit seminars) and Hist 407 (as mentioned above) and Earth Science 111 (intro geology … which I got a shining “D+” in last semester, after sleeping through the second of three exams. The plan was a little cocky … to never go to class (except on exam days), and to still get an “A”. Well, I failed on both accounts. Not only did I randomly go to class one day, but I also took home the aforementioned “D+”. I almost made it, though… I got good marks on the two tests I did take…). So what’s that? Seven classes?

As expected, the arrival of my Nintendo Wii has greatly enhanced productivity and performance. I have every expectation that the arrival of Super Smash Brothers – Brawl will do even more to enhance productivity.

Random fact:

According to the figures, 75 percent of all Americans viewed an online video in July and the average viewer watched 235 minutes of video during the month. More importantly for Google, the average YouTube user watched 54.8 videos in July.

The new living sit-u is fantastic. The new house is a little smaller (see: less ideal for throwing keggers), but the roommate situation is much improved. I’m still living with Bovard, but we managed to exchange Little Ben and Andrew (wonderful people, in their own right) for Eric Moog who, in addition to being a wonderful person, is also a wonderful roommate. He … cleans things! He has friends, and brings them over! He … does his own laundry! He cooks! And, of course, he adds charm and personality to the house — the “South Rouse House”.

Well, I’ve tried to stay above the political muck and mire, but I happened across a few Palin protest signs that I liked:

  • Pitbulls make poor Diplomats
  • Blink before going to war
  • Bristol Got to Choose – Why Don’t We?
  • Keep your laws off MY body
  • Vote Issues, Not Gender

    Well, that’s all for now, I suppose. I think it’s time for a nap.

  • About Mark Egge

    Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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