Sixteen April, 2007

in solidarity with the students at Virginia Tech. the terror, shock, anger, heartbreak is your own.

still, you’re not forgotten.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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2 Responses to Sixteen April, 2007

  1. markegge says:

    A proposed ASMSU resolution:

    Intent: To acknowledge the heart-rending breach of community at Virginia Tech and, moreover, to express solidarity with the students directly and indirectly victim of this attack.

    Whereas: we can not and do not appropriate the heartbreak and terror of the students at Virginia Tech;

    Whereas: we, the students of Montana State University, claim membership with Virginia Tech in the community of American college students. As fellow students, we feel keenly this attack on the student community; we weep with you;

    Whereas: we, as Americans, as students, don’t know how to mourn properly, so we hang our heads, make paper cranes, and send this resolution, laden with sorrow, to convey our concern and our righteous anger at this senseless tragedy;

    Therefore, let it be resolved: that we stand tall and affirmed in unity as we express our earnest solicitation and support for every student at Virginia Tech, and the friends and family of the deceased, especially;

    Let It Be Further Resolved: That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Virginia Tech Student Government Association President Adeel Khan and Virginia Tech President Charles W. Steger.

  2. Sagar1586 says:

    Good work Mark. Thats incredibly well put. I feel there was a strong Egge force behind it.