Give me a bumper sticker.

Mean …
Senile people suck!

Heh. Can I say that? No, I suppose not. I mean, she’s my grandmother and all. But it’s just that, well, she’s always been ornery (what a great English word!), but now… god help us, she’s senile AND ornery. My dad is seemingly a man of infinite resourcefulness, but she seems to have even HIM at his wits end.

It’s like … karma … for all the senile jokes I’ve made over the years. =P

So… yeah. Life will calm down a LOT in that regard (we hope!) once the grandmother is comfortably settled in her new assisted living facility.

That is all.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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2 Responses to Give me a bumper sticker.

  1. ken-mister says:

    Hooray for assisted living, helping families dump off the unwanted elders since… well since whenever assisted living came to be. Sell the house and get a nice persian rug!

  2. markegge says:

    Actually, the irony is that all of this headache has been to move her close to the family, rather than letting her move to a retirement home in Duluth.