Consumer-class consciousness

Ok, let’s keep going:

I don’t believe that prayer can change the world.

I don’t believe in the power of prayer.

Except one: “Oh, god, open the world a little wider.”

I don’t believe in healing.

I don’t believe in forgiveness.

I don’t believe in the avian flu.

I believe family is important.

I do not believe family is inviolable.

Counselors should be seen and not heard.

I don’t believe in evil.

I have my doubts about good.

I do not believe that North Korea, Iran or Palestine is evil.

I do not believe America is good.

I do not believe that America is evil.

I stand against small mindedness.

The world is larger than a dime. Though you may not know it, I guarantee it.

The world is bigger than a bible. Thought you may not know it, I guarantee it.

The world is bigger than the Qur’an.

I don’t believe in evolution.

I don’t believe in creation.

I believe in the Rocky Mountains.

I believe in today.

I have doubts about tomorrow.

I don’t believe in yesterday.

News must be provided by an impartial, non-profit organization.

Everything else is either propaganda or advertising.

A corporation has no soul.

Employees are more valuable than stock holders.

Consumers are more powerful than corporations.

Consumers are afraid of corporations.

Some day, corporations will fear consumers.

That’s the meaning of consumer consciousness.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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3 Responses to Consumer-class consciousness

  1. jaderobbins says:

    off topic i know, but on you should add tags to your items in RSS so that when you edit an entry aggregators don’t think it’s a whole new entry. (you put in the “permalink” to the article)

  2. don't have one says:

    What an idealist view, but it is the company creates the consumer.

  3. (no name provided) says:

    and the corporation can also create the employee by creating campuses specifically for that purpose, or recruiting high school students for training programs. or by sponsoring innovation competitions. the world is chock-full of human resources, and thus the corporations have an advantage.