Cannery Row

Today has been completely non-productive, but ultimately rather enjoyable just the same. I remember vaguely thinking something to the effect of “I’d better fall asleep quick, or the sun’ll be up before I’m asleep” around 5:40 this morning… or some time around then. I found myself on the roof of my apartment at 5:00 this morning, a combined effort of too much caffeine, startlingly cool weather, and the undying appeal of my guitar. I can’t describe how pleasant it was: there was a breeze blowing, which was so cool that I almost felt slightly chilled, in my t-shirt and shorts: a wholly welcomed sensation indeed!

(A kid wearing a shirt emblazoned with a large swastika just walked out of the ‘net cafe I’m in. It’s certainly not the first time that I’ve seen that type of shirt around Bangkok… I don’t understand)

I woke up around 11:30, and basically spent my day reading, interspersed with two trips down the street to the nearest restaurant, and one hour-long trip to the park for some quality time on my slackline.

And that’s been pretty much it. Goodness, I’m such a hermit.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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3 Responses to Cannery Row

  1. Anonymous says:

    didn’t you say somewhere that the swastika was a Buddhist symbol of good luck?

  2. Sagar1586 says:

    Its actually hindu… And the swastika technically has arms that go in the opposite direction from the traditional religious symbol…

  3. markegge says:

    Actually, Hindu, Buddhist, and several other traditions as well. It’s a popular symbol. I guess I should have specified: above, I’m referring to the Nazi swastika, which is set on a 45 degree angle and reverses the directions of the arms; in this case, not a symbol of good luck, but of hate, violence, genocide and racism.