Raindrops kept falling on my head. But I didn’t sing a song about it. Instead, I bought an umbrella.

And the rains just keep coming. It’s really quite amazing to me. The river is some 6 or 7 feet higher than it was a week ago. No joke.

This is the row of fortune-teller booths that I walk through every morning on my way to campus. I never really thought much of it until, well, it struck me: these people make a good living by telling fortunes. That seems exceedingly strange to me. Obviously, I’m in a foreign culture.

I post this now because, as I walked through the above row on my way to the ferry tonight, it was through three inches of standing water. I can only fear for how much more it’ll rise during the night.

For my part, I really enjoy the rain. But for the part of the city of Bangkok, I hope things clear up for a few days. For the record, my two-dollar-and-some-change umbrella is proving to be one of the best purchases of my life.

All I can say is… I’m glad I live on the 6th floor. =)

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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9 Responses to Raindrops kept falling on my head. But I didn’t sing a song about it. Instead, I bought an umbrella.

  1. jaderobbins says:

    roofles you can’t find a freaking umbrella for less than 10 bucks here.

  2. ken-mister says:

    How cool is the umbrella though? Mine is cool, and is cost me 8, but how cool is yours?

  3. meekyung says:

    for the record, that song is the dumbest part of that whole movie…

  4. Sagar1586 says:

    the song might be dumb, the accompanying dance kicks ass.

    and for the record its rained 2 days straight here in boston and i’m still going without an umbrella (despite being still soaked)

  5. markegge says:

    well as long as we’re posting things for the record, I managed to make it for six weeks in Bangkok’s monsoon season without an umbrella.

  6. Sagar1586 says:

    fine punk. i’ll go the whole time in INDIA’s monsoon season without an umbrella. just you wait! watch me!

  7. Upidivl says:

    For another record, I made it through Ireland’s “monsoon season” without an umbrella, um, yeah, take that!

  8. jaderobbins says:

    for the record i made it through bozeman’s “monsoon”season without a tarp.

  9. me 82009 says:

    well for the record. it hasn’t rained in laramie so i don’t need an umbrella