Fighting spam with google

For the last four months or so, I’ve been receiving an increasing amount of spam. Granted, my filter gets 99.9% of it for me, but I’ve been a little disconcerted just by the fact that the amount I receive seems to be going up instead of down, despite my efforts to the contrary. So tonight I had a brillient idea: why not google my email address and see if its posted somewhere on the ‘net that I missed. And, sure enough, google found a page on where my email address has been posted. Figures.

So anyhow. I edited the post and obfuscated my email address, and now I fully expect the amount of spam I receive to flowly trickle off over the next few months.

There’s really no point to this post, other than to celebrate Google for … helping me deal with frustrations in my personal life. =)

For the record, I then tried Yahoo and MSN, neither of which were any help.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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4 Responses to Fighting spam with google

  1. BrianEgge says:

    Unfortunately usually once they get your email in their database, it never gets removed. They’re disc’s of ‘100 million email addresses’ tend not to remove too many of them over time. Actually, my ‘honeypot’ addresses don’t get very much spam. Also, I have a few publicly posted email addresses like ‘—–@——————-.—‘ that don’t receive much spam.

    Most of it seems to come from when some company or website gives out my address. I once registered five emails (brian[x]@lithiumdata) with this website. A year later I started getting spam 5 at a time. I contacted the company, and first the denied leaking my addresses. Later they fessed up, and said someone stole the addresses but no ‘personal’ information was stolen.

    Hope you spam goes down. I don’t get nearly as much as I used to. Many big spammers are getting slapped with lawsuits, and they get less responses on the spam they do send because so many people are using filtering.

  2. Jenny says:

    in regards to your other photos, I did have to look twice! Wow, I missed him the first time.
    I’m learning a lot about THailand from your posts!

  3. jaderobbins says:

    i use Gmail as my primary email these days, and i must say that it does the best job of filtering spam i have ever seen. I think i’ve had to report like 2 things as spam in the year or so i’ve had it, and have yet to miss an email i wanted due to it being filtered.

  4. Upidivl says:

    But Jade, who e-mails you? Friends? ha!

    I kid, I kid.