This might be the earliest entry ever.

It’s 7:54. AM. And I didn’t stay up all night. I think this is definately some sort of record.

I certainly didn’t get up at 6:45AM on a non-school day of my own volition– for some stupid reason I signed up to open up the Reid 306 computer lab at 7:30 this morning for someone or another. Do I really need the money, or am I just a good soul? Doubtful on both accounts– I think I’m just stupid.

Well, since I was up so early, I think this is the point where I’m expected to say something profound about the morning like “I forgot how beautiful the sunrise was” or “I love the fresh clean morning air.” Well, here’s my profundity: morning’s suck. I want to go back to bed. =P

It’s the end of the week and I’ve done absolutely nothing. I guess that means its time for me to get back into the swing of going to school and doing homework and such. My T&C project is going to end up being a lot more modest than I had originally intended, but (so long as I invest the proper amount of time into it this weekend) it should turn out well just the same.

And… that’s about it. Hmm. I need coffee!

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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3 Responses to This might be the earliest entry ever.

  1. hopealess says:

    Welcome to my world.

    If it is any consolation, I am up early this morning as well.
    Wait, make that every weekday morning.

  2. Sagar1586 says:

    hey hope, whats your sn on aim?

  3. Dad says:

    Hi Mark,
    We were up early today too. I checked out the treadmill at the hotel this morning. I finished my workout and was back in our room by 6:00 am. We got over to the train station and left D.C. at 8:30. We arrived in Newark around 11:30. We’ve been at Brian’s and Elizabeth’s since then.
