The Eurotrash Dance Party was a resounding success. I think we had upwards of a hundred people come through our humble quad last night, and, well, the tunes were thumpin’ and the dance floor was jumpin’ and… blather, that rhymes! Not intentional. We really did have the floor bouncing a little last night– I’m not sure which song it was, but we had about everyone in here jumping at the same time, and, well, the Quad wasn’t designed to hold up to that sort of abuse.

Anyhow I’ll post pictures here in a bit. Although I’m Sweedish (well, mostly Norweigen, but that’s beside the point) I’ve never felt so thoroughly European. And believe me, it’s a good feeling.

Once the party wound down (we had to stop at ~ midnight to keep the people on campus happy) we managed to pile about a dozen people into Devastating Dave’s (Keto) VW bus, in which we drove down to the PitaPit for some late night pita. That was a smashing good time (I didn’t get hit on by any creepy drunk chicks ten years older than me– whoo!) and came back and started to watch Snatch. I survived for the first twenty-five minutes, and then passed out on the floor.

Oh yeah. It was a “Euro-trashed” party for some of us, which increased the fun factor by about five. I came accross a great poster yesterday. It read: “Beer: Helping White Guys Dance Since 1842.” It’s the truth, too!

Well, today we get to clean up, and then it’s Academy Awards time! Hells yeah! I’ll post my predictions later (maybe when I post the pictures?). In the mean time… I’m going to go take a shower. Rock on!

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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