Still a bad student.

Ah. Second semester. It finds me sitting at work, killing time on the internet, and wrestling with the realization that my study habit haven’t improved a bit. There are two facinating books full of assigned reading that are sitting all of six inches from my laptop, and yet I find myself staring absentmindedly at Firefox, hoping I’ll come up with some sort of inspirational way to kill more time on the internet. I’m an addict, really– like a television junkie, after a fashion. Like a television junkie in that I’m content to whittle away countless hundreds of hours into stupid online entertainment. I’m not edified by it. I’m not built up by it. I’m not challenged. I’m not enlightened. But the worst of it is that I’m really not even all that entertained– it’s all the same banal, formulaic Flash scripts and poorly crafted Photoshop humor. Some of it is humorous. The rest just kills the time. And I hate that. I hate that I’m so lazy that I would rather just kill off time than to learn to explore or to, horror, do my job. And yet I’m still here, posting away while my Art History book sits untouched.

Eek. I think I’m headed for the quarantine closet. It’s been decided that, since our Quad is so small, anyone who gets sick needs to move to the closet upstairs and enter and leave via the emergency fire exit, so as not to get everyone else in the quad sick. And I’m… not feeling so well. Ug.
(Edit: this feels strangley like fungus-water disease. I hope it’s not somehow related to drinking from the fungus-water bottle..)

Hmm. What else is new. I’m working on starting up a DC++ hub for people here on campus. We’ll see how that goes. (

That’s about it, for now. God, I hope I don’t get sick. Maybe I’ll go do my job for a while, and eventually settle down to reading about the Chinese Pre-Imperial period.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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4 Responses to Still a bad student.

  1. Sagar1586 says:

    I went to my 9, 12 and 4:30 classes today. I was active. I bought my books for them. I went to frisbee practice. I went to the lib rary and read all my reading for thursday. Damn I rock.

  2. carter says:

    Well, I’ve made it up for my 8 o’clock class 2/5 days.

  3. Brandon says:

    for the record cowboy share is going great for the last day and half have been runnin at about a terrabit of info shared

  4. markegge says:

    that rocks. I need to get out and promote projectmayhem– the MSU version of cowboy share.