Hey, RIAA…

My friends rock. In the last hour, we’ve transferred what’s likely to be over 15gb of MP3s to and from our respective computers– perhaps more. It’s fun to realize that, since two of our computers are on a wireless network, that there are MP3s flying through the air all around and through us. Whoo!

But on a more serious note, there’s no question that music is an integral part of humanity. Since antiquity mankind has found personal and cultural definition through music and dance. This tradition of human connection through music continues today, with all the exciting new possibilities of mass-media and the internet to spread and perpetuate one of the few things we, as a planet, all share: music. It thrills me to get new music, and it thrills me more to share new music with other people who will enjoy it as much as I do. And that’s what Carter, Sagar and I have done for the last two hours– playing piano and guitar, and sharing copious amounts of digitized music.

This isn’t the time for an anti-RIAA rant, so I’ll leave off here: one of the highlights of break has been sharing music with my friends, and discovering new music to both enrich me personally and to further the bonds that constitute our friendship. And that’s the long and short of it.

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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