
What a pleasant day it’s been!

I was awakened this morning by Amy, telling me it was time to get up for the Quads Academic Pentathalon. I drug myself out of bed, grabbed a pop-tart and a shirt, and wandered off to join my Pentathlon group. We cleaned some house during the prelims. We had a ~2 hour break before finals, during which time I spent some time on my slackline, and then came back for finals. Finals went well, although I left before the last two groups so that I could go see the Montana Shakespeare in the Park’s stage production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which was also very enjoyable. Upon arriving back at the Quad, I was informed that we won second place, which means free lunch next Thursday at the La Perilla. Whoo!

After that… I don’t remember. And then I watched Donnie Darko with Bovard, Meekyung and Andrew, which resulted in almost two hours of invigorating discussion about the plot, motifs and various other aspects of the movie. Having seen it a second time, I have so much more respect for the movie. It’s truly incredible, and Richard Kelly, who directed and wrote it, is a very intelligent man. It was good just to have conversation and debate about something– good heavens, I love my Quad and the people in it. That finished toward 1:00 (after watching all the deleted and extra scenes and half the director’s commentary), and from then till now I’ve been playing Super Smash w/ Andrew and Bovard. I’m getting better with Fox– not good yet, mind you, but better.

I’ve also found some time today to squeeze in a little work on Blog! 3.0, which I’m going back to now, as I jam out to some thumpin’ O.A.R.. This is easily the best day I’ve had in a long time. Whoo!

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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