
Yeah. So the egg in the upper left hand portion of my page navigation? It’s blue now. How ’bout that. You’re probably wondering why. I am too…
(not that I mind it being blue– it makes a subtle suggestion of the up-coming Blog! 3.0, but I’m a little concerned by the fact that, to my recollection, I did nothing to change the egg image)

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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4 Responses to Mystified.

  1. Sagar1586 says:

    ahem… i’d appreciate CREDIT for the blue egg i made you… at the VERY least… i mean, i wouldn’t be able to tell except you wouldn’t have applied the cutout filter that i did AFTER the hue/saturation change.

  2. markegge says:

    It seems important to point out that I in no way, shape or form attempted to take credit for the egg. I was, rather, attempting to lure out its creator, which I seem to have done. =)

  3. Sagar1586 says:

    the dark background “black” color is off by the way…

  4. markegge says:

    You seem to be missing the point. Why tell ME that the black is off. It’s NOT MY EGG. I didn’t put it there. I didn’t change the colors. If you happen to find the person who DID put it there, it is s/he who is the appropriate agent and s/he who should be notified.

    Good heavens. =P