Happy Spring!

Friday: a solid foot of snow covered the ground. My peers and I bundled against the cold, hurried from class to class–building to building, heads down and feed trudging under dreary, snow-spitting sky. A hearty few rode their bikes. Most drove, rode the bus, or just stayed at home in bed.

By Monday, MSU is transformed.

Monday: bright warm sunshine beams down from the sun’s still low perch in the Eastern sky. The snow has melted–almost entirely–to reveal a lush and vibrant green carpet underneath. Gone are the thick, synthetic winter coats. In their place, my peers now sport an array of sweatshirts, tee-shirts and tank-tops. The sidewalks team with bicyclists, pedestrians. On my way to EPS, I notice a girl–clearly an American who knows she has a right to bare arms–walking barefoot, shoes in hand.

Seemingly overnight, Spring has come to Bozeman!

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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