Mozilla Firefox 2!

Firefox 2 is now available. Based on my first ten minutes with it, I’m absolutely thrilled. It’s packed with awesome new features– features that I’ve been wanting, such as better RSS handling (I can now add RSS feeds directly to MyYahoo or Google portal with two clicks, rather than a lot of copying and pasting), and features that I never expected from a browser, such as a built-in, inline spell-check feature.

And yeah, the spell-check feature is pretty awesome. When filling in text forms (such as the “comment” box below), it automatically checks your spelling, and underlines misspelled words in red, a la Microsoft Word. Right-clicking on the mis-spelled word presents a list of possible correct words. It’s super slick, and, goodness, it makes so much sense. No more pasting my blog entries into Microsoft Word to do a spell check before I post!

It also has an updated visual interface–probably a preemptive response to I.E. 7–that looks really slick.

It also builds a list of suggested search terms when you use the built in search bar with Google, Yahoo or Talk about slick!

It’s tabbed browsing is improved as well–links to an external window open in a new tab, for example– which only makes a great thing better.

With better tabbed browsing, however, comes the desire to be able to save and resume sessions. Firefox to the rescue! Filling out an online form and your computer crashes? No worries– Firefox even has the ability to resume sessions and repopulate form fields from before a system crash. Let’s see the I.E. Monkey do that!

The only bad thing is that Firefox isn’t on EVERY PC, so sometimes I’m going to be forced to Internet (EW!) Explorer, which lacks a fast and functional search feature, competent RSS support, or a spell-checker. And, until I.E. 7 becomes standard, it also lacks tabbed browsing.

So yeah. Download on. Here’s a link: Get Firefox!

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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5 Responses to Mozilla Firefox 2!

  1. carter says:

    IE7 has been out for about a week. Not that you or I care, but ya.

    Another feature that you didn’t mention, probably because you’re smart enough not to run into this, but both Firefox and IE7 now have anti-phishing support which is good for the average dumb joe so they don’t give all their info to some guy.

  2. markegge says:

    Oh. Well, I guess I’m just up with the times. That would explain why my roommate installed it. That would also explain the timing of the Firefox 2 release.

    Random quote:
    On pumpkin picking being like dating: ‘Don’t think too hard about this. Just find one that is roughly the right shape and size that pleases you. Cut it’s head off, rip it’s guts out, carve it so that the face makes you happy and when it starts to get smelly throw it to the curb and forget about it.’


  3. Sagar1586 says:

    teh spel chek is sik nasti. god how DUZ brandon do this?

  4. me 82009 says:

    i just got new Firefox and i am testing the spelling feature which i have to say is pretty freaking sweet.

    Edit: eat me Sagar

  5. Amanda says:

    I heart Firefox