To a close: week two

In two hours, I’ll hop into my car with Sagar in order to get him to the Billings airport by 4:30AM to catch his 6:30AM flight. It’s been a wild two weeks– I moved in with Sagar almost exactly two weeks ago and now it’s time to pick up where I left off and drive into second semester.

I played my guitar for upwards of three hours tonight, in addition to the hour that I played it this morning. The last two weeks have been musically rich, and I hope the music continues after Sagar leaves. I’d like to start playing the piano again as well– I’m not there yet, but I’m afraid that I’m soon going to be at the point where I say “I wish I had never quit–” a prophesy my mom made when I quit piano at the start of 7th grade. Honestly, I’m lacking in musical tallent, or lacking for rythem at the very least– but I have hopes that I can compensate for my lack of tallent with an abundance of enthusiasm. In the meantime, I added Dispatch’s Flying Horses to my limited repetoir tonight, marking my first Dispatch song.

I find myself torn– there’s SO much that I want to write for my own sake– thoughts, trivial details, etc, but by the same token I can’t shake the idea that I have an audience (albeit limited) and, odds are, my audience has NO desire to read countless pages of benal ramblings. Ug. I’ll try to stick to stuff that’s interesting.

We played a 22 player game of Counter-Strike tonight: Bovard has done a fabulous job of passing Counter-Strike around, and we had most of Quad E playing against Quad A and Langford. It was good times. And yeah– I kicked some ass. Go me. =)

In other news, I have established myself as a master of parallel-parking. Finding a parking-place close to my Quad has become especially important as of late with the onset of sub-zero weather and my determination to park as close to the quad as possible has been matched only by my desire to spend as little time in the cold as possible. With this as my motivation (and Sagar as my witness), I sqeezed my car into this improbably small space:

Oh, and just to dispell the notion that this was luck, not sheer parallel-parking skill, I did it again. =)

… to be finished later

About Mark Egge

Transportation planner-adjacent data scientist by day. YIMBY Shoupista on a bicycle by night. Bozeman, MT. All opinions expressed here are my own.
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